Freelance English Teacher

Date: 23 Jul 2024

Location: Warsaw, European Union, PL Wroclaw, European Union, PL Krakow, European Union, PL

Company: British Council

The British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language. We work in two ways – directly with individuals to transform their lives, and with governments and partners to make a bigger difference for the longer term, creating benefit for millions of people all over the world. We help young people to gain the skills, confidence and connections they are looking for to realise their potential and to participate in strong and inclusive communities. We support them to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Our work in arts and culture stimulates creative expression and exchange and nurtures creative enterprise. We connect the best of the UK with the world and the best of the world with the UK. These connections lead to an understanding of each other's strengths and of the challenges and values that we share. This builds trust between people in the UK and other nations which endures even when official relations may be strained. We work on the ground in more than 100 countries. In 2019-20 we connected with 80 million people directly and with 791 million overall, including online and through our broadcasts and publications.


Location: Wroclaw, Warsaw, Cracow, Poland

Duration: February-September, renewable
Working hours: most classes are delivered on weekday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays
Salary: hourly rate based on sliding pay scale


Role Context and Purpose 

We are looking for freelance teachers to work with our academic and teaching teams in the delivery of lessons and services in Teaching Centres. Candidates should have a keen interest in working with young learners as demonstrated through current or past studies and experience, and a desire to work with a global leader in English teaching with access to professionally recognised training. 


Warsaw Teaching Centre (with over 50 teachers) delivers approximately 640 class hours to over 2200 students per week.  These are delivered from our 21 classrooms on-site and at a number of off-site locations in and around Warsaw. We also deliver some corporate lessons and training in company locations.


There are two 16-week semesters and summer courses providing English tuition for all age groups of learners and levels. We also run specialist corporate courses and cultural workshop programmes. Adult General English and Cambridge Exam courses have started to run using the online myClass model, which runs through the year outside the semester organisation.



  • Plan, prepare and deliver a pre-agreed number of hours of high-quality English language teaching. This could include both adult and young learners. 

  • Monitor progress and provide regular feedback to help manage students’ performance throughout the course, and actively promote learner autonomy.

  • Contribute to the development, evaluation, and improvement of English language courses, materials and related services, in order to meet students’ needs, by actively working as a member of the teaching team.  

  • Complete teaching related administrative tasks to specified standards.

  • Ensure safeguarding and guidelines are applied and upheld in line with standards and policy for the following areas:

  1. Child protection and adult safeguarding

  2. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

  3. Safety and Security


Due to the ongoing pandemic and related restrictions, teachers may be required to deliver lessons online.


A freelance teacher will be given up to 15 hours a week. They must be able to cover the full-term teaching schedule for this / these classes. For example, a class every Saturday at 9:00-12:15 for the full sixteen-week term. There will also be stand-by and long-term cover work available with the possibility of work in the summer.



  • Applicants must have the right to live and work in the EU. We are unable to secure work permits for non-EU nationals. This extends to British citizens post-Brexit.

  • All applicants need to apply for a police check. This needs to be completed prior to post.

  • Applicants will be employed as outside contractors. Therefore, they must be established as self-employed prior to post.


We can support with paperwork and official office visits to help you with possible language barriers.



  • First Degree (or equivalent) 

  • Cambridge CELTA/Trinity Cert TESOL (Core) or PGCE (or equivalent)


Desirable: CELTYL or TYLEC; DELTA or Dip TEFL/TESOL (Higher); MA TESOL (or equivalent)



  • High proficiency in English i.e. CEFR level of C2/ IELTS Band 8+ in each of 4 sections of the academic module

Desirable: proficient in online delivery using Zoom or similar platforms



  • 2 years’ post-certificate (Cambridge CELTA/Trinity Cert TESOL) experience

  • Experience in teaching at least three of the relevant age groups: 

  1. Primary Young Learners: 6 to 7 years old (800+ hours)

  2. Primary Learners: 8 to 10 years old (800+ hours)

  3. Secondary Learners: 11 to 14 years old (800+ hours)

  4. Secondary Learners: 15 to 17 years old (800+ hours)

  5. Adults General English (800+ hours teaching class sizes of 4 or more. )


For newly qualified teachers who have not yet gained this level of experience we can offer our Foundation Teacher Programme. With the help of a mentor and a bespoke training programme we will support your development as an English teacher.



  1. Young Learners aged 6 or younger (250+ hours)

  2. Experience in more/all of the age groups (800+ hours)


Please be aware that 1 to 1 tuition will not be considered as relevant teaching experience.


If you have any questions regarding this vacancy please contact us at: 

Please note that we will contact and interview suitable candidates as they apply. 



A connected and trusted UK in a more connected and trusted world.


Equality , Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement


The British Council is committed to policies and practices of equality, diversity and inclusion across everything we do. We support all staff to make sure their behaviour is consistent with this commitment.  We want to address under representation and encourage applicants from under-represented groups, in particular, but not exclusively, on grounds of ethnicity and disability.  All disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria are guaranteed an interview and we have Disability Confident Employer Status. We welcome discussions about specific requirements or adjustments to enable participation and engagement in our work and activities.


The British Council is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults who we work with.


We believe that all children and adults everywhere in the world deserve to live in safe environments and have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse, maltreatment and exploitation as set out in article 19, UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) 1989.


Appointment to positions where there is direct involvement with vulnerable groups will be dependent on thorough checks being completed; these will include qualification checks, reference checks, identity & criminal record checks in line with legal requirements and with the British Council’s Safeguarding policies for Adults and Children.


If you have any problems with your application please email


Please note: Applications to this role can only be considered when made through the Apply section of our careers website. Our ‘ASK HR’ email is only to be used in case of a technical issue encountered when applying through the careers website. Emails with supporting statements and CV/Resumes sent to this email address will not be reviewed and will be deleted.