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Whether you\u2019re drawn to roles as an <strong>Examiner</strong>, <strong>Teacher</strong>, or <strong>other opportunities</strong>, this is your gateway to staying informed about the positions that align with your skills and aspirations. You may demonstrate your interest by selecting the <strong>corresponding tag</strong> in the questions.</p><p>As a member of our Talent Network, you\u2019ll receive personalised job suggestions and, if you choose, additional communications about upcoming opportunities and events.</p><p><strong>Stay connected and explore the possibilities within the British Council. We\u2019re excited to have you on board!</strong></p>", "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "About Us", "path": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Events", "path": "https://app.eightfold-eu.ai/events/open?domain=britishcouncil.org", "openInNewTab": true}, {"hasSubItems": true, "label": "Applying & FAQs", "path": "", "subItems": [{"label": "Application Process", "path": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs/application-process", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Equality Diversity and Inclusion", "path": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs/equality-diversity-inclusion", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Receiving a job offer", "path": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs/offer", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "FAQs and Technical Support", "path": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs/support", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "PersonalizationBar": {"messages": {"GreetingMesssageETX": "Upload your CV/R\u00e9sum\u00e9 to get matched with jobs. 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Please do not include sensitive personal information in your CV, which is your responsibility."}, "privacyLink": "https://www.britishcouncil.org/work/jobs/privacy", "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Centre", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your CV / r\u00e9sum\u00e9 to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a CV / r\u00e9sum\u00e9 is not a formal application for employment**"}, "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/britishcouncil-sandbox.org/1725636053::5.png", "icon": "fa-hand-holding-heart", "description": "Enjoy an open and supportive culture where your well-being is valued.", "title": "Be part of a global team"}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/britishcouncil-sandbox.org/1725636024::2.png", "icon": "fa-home", "description": "Our commitment to equality and diversity creates a feeling of belonging for everyone.", "title": "Join an 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